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Crafted with a detailed process, our Revit Families are compatible with Revit 2018 and newer, designed as an intuitive kit of parts that simplify customization while ensuring full compatibility with Robroy products. These families are versatile and can be utilized throughout the entire Revit model lifecycle, offering enhanced functionality for contractors and electricians who order directly from Robroy.

The geometry is precisely detailed, avoiding both excessive complexity and oversimplification. Each family includes a consistent shared parameter file, free from superfluous product or sales information, ensuring efficiency in your projects. We also offer easy access to on-demand support to assist with any challenges you might encounter.

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All Rocket Rack Products in one container file. Compatible with Revit version 2018.

All Rocket Rack Products in one container file. Compatible with Revit version 2024.

All Rocket Rack Products in one container file. Compatible with Revit version 2020.

All Rocket Rack Products in one container file. Compatible with Revit version 2022.


Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" threaded spacer standoff in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" tapered Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 1" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 2" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 4" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 1" Standoff Threaded Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 2" Standoff Threaded Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Flat Rack assembled onto two hermetically sealed Post Mounts. Assortment includes 6 flat rack lengths ranging from 12" to 48" and 6 different post heights ranging from 36" to 120".

Split Ring Clamp available in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 1" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Industrial 2 Piece Clamp available in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 2" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Food grade Pipe Clamp available in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 1"Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary 2 Piece Clamp available in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 2" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Pipe Clamp for PVC coated conduit available in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 1" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary 2 Piece Clamp for PVC Coated Conduit available in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 2" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary Hinged Clamp available in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 1" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary Hinged Clamp available in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 2" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary Process Hex Clamp available in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 1" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary Process Hex Clamp for tubing available in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2" using 3/8" rod and a 2" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Sanitary Process Hex Clamp for tubing available in 3 sizes 2-1/2" through 4" using 1/2" rod and a 2" Standoff for mounting to Tented Rack.

Wall Plate Assembly with a 2" bald rod standoff and Industrial 2 Piece Clamps in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 4" bald rod standoff and Industrial 2 Piece Clamps in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 2" bald rod standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 4" bald rod standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 2" bald rod standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps for PVC Coated" 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 4" bald rod standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps for PVC Coated" 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 2" bald rod standoff and Sanitary Hinged Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 4" bald rod standoff and Sanitary Hinged Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 2" bald rod standoff and Process Hex Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Wall Plate Assembly with a 4" bald rod standoff and Process Hex Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 1" Standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps for PVC Coated Conduit" 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 2" Standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps for PVC Coated Conduit" 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 1" Standoff and Process Hex Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 2" Standoff and Process Hex Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 1" Standoff and Sanitary Hinged Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 2" Standoff and Sanitary Hinged Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 1" Standoff and Sanitary Hinged Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 2" Standoff and Sanitary 2 Piece Clamps in 6 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Process Hex Sanitary 2 Piece Clamp for Tubing Assembly with a 2" standoff in 3 sizes 2-1/2" through 4" for mounting to Standard Rack.

304 Stainless Steel Standard Rack and 1/2" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

304 Stainless Steel Standard Rack and 3/8" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

304 Stainless Steel Tented Rack and 1/2" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

304 Stainless Steel Tented Rack and 3/8" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

Aluminum Standard Rack and 1/2" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

Aluminum Standard Rack and 3/8" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

Aluminum Tented Rack and 1/2" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

Aluminum Tented Rack and 3/8" rod and hardware configured in a multi-tiered trapeze mount assembly. Assortment includes 6 lengths includes 12" to 48" and up to 5 tiers.

Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 4" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Aluminum Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Food Grade Spacer and Tapered Food Grade Spacer Assemblies for attachment to wall with 3/8-16" threaded hole. Includes 1", 2" and 4" lengths in the food grade spacer and 1" and 2" lengths in the tapered food grade spacer.

Food Grade Spacer Assemblies for attachment to wall utilizing 1/2" hardware and beveled capnut. Includes 2" length.

Food Grade Spacer and Tapered Food Grade Spacer Assemblies for attachment to wall with 1/4-20" threaded hole. Includes 1" and 2" lengths.

Industrial Spacer Assemblies for attachment to wall utilizing 3/8" hardware. Includes 1" and 2" Industrial spacers.

Tented Rack assembled onto two hermetically sealed Post Mounts. Assortment includes 6 flat rack lengths ranging from 12" to 48" and 6 different post heights ranging from 36" to 120".

Stainless Steel Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Steel Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Steel Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 4" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Slot Only Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" tapered Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Steel Slot Only Flat Rack for attachement to a wall utilizing 2" Tapered Spacers" 6 lengths 12" through 48".

1" Hygienic stand-off used to mount equiptment or"dividual components to flat rack.

Stainless Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 1" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 2" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 4" Standoff Thru Hole Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 1" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to a wall utilizing a 2" thru hole Industrial Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Steel Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 1" Tapered Threaded Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Stainless Steel Flat Rack Assembly for attachment to wall utilizing a 2" Standoff Threaded Spacer in 6 lengths 12" through 48".

Horizontal Extention Arm assembled to one hermetically sealed Post Mount. Assortment includes 8 post heights ranging from 36" to 120". The extension arm is available with a 6.5" slot or a 10.5" slot.

Post-mounted tented cantieliver rack assembled to one hermetically sealed Post Mount. Assortment includes 8 post heights ranging from 36" to 120". The tented cantiliever rack is available in 4 lengths from 12" to 30"

Tapered Spacer for 1" Standoff and Industrial 2 Piece Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

Tapered Spacer for 2" Standoff and Industrial 2 Piece Clamps in 5 sizes 1/2" through 2"

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