Rocket Rack® support racks are factory fabricated and utility agnostic. Made from 304 stainless or aluminum, racks have pre-engineered slot and mounting holes which make for faster and cleaner onsite installation. Racks come in multiple standard lengths (custom sized available) with different mounting options based on need and installed method. 1. Standard Rocket Rack (stainless or aluminum) slot on one side of angle, has a higher load ratting, used where a flat surface mounting is preferred, is more cost effective, and utilized in single or multiple tier trapeze mount applications. 2. Tented Rocket Rack (stainless or aluminum) slot on the heal of the angle, is used where flat surfaces are to be avoided for hygienic purposes and utilized in single or multiple tier trapeze mount or Rocket Post Mount (stainless only) mount is required. 3. Flat Rocket Rack (stainless or aluminum) slot on the face, is used with Rocket Post Mount Systems for mechanical framing applications or for multiple wall mount or bracketing options.
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